Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6

esteem and consideration.-And I advise your Excellency of it in order Lhat he may be pleased lo give an account of every-thing lo his Excellency the president pro tern. for his superior determination. God and liberty. Rivulet of San Bernard, 28th April, 1836.-Vicente Filisola. To his Excellency Lhe secretary of war and marine. [2909] [FILISOLA to URREA] Ejercito de operaciones. - Sirvase V. S. clar orden al destacamento de su division que se halla en Matagorda para que se retire a Guadalupe Victoria, y que los efectos todos que se habian recojido en aquel punto los entregue al comisionado que para recibirlos se la presentara con pasaporte del Ecsmo. Sr. general pre.sidente D. Antonio Lopez de Santa-Anna. - Dios y libertad. Arroyo de San Bernardo Abril 28 de 1836. - Vincente Filisola. - Sr. general D. Jose Urrea. r29101 [GAINES Lo SECRETARY OF WAR] Headquarters, Western Department, Camp Sabine, April 28, 1836. Sir: I have the honor to state that reports have just now reached this place, through various channels, which leave no doubt of their correctness, Lhat, on the 21st instant, a batlle was fought near twenty miles east of Harrisburg, in Texas, between the Mexicans, under the immediate command of their President, Santa Anna, and the Texians, under General Houston, their commander-in-chief; and that it resulted in the entire over-throw of the advance corps of the Mexican army, which appears to have been very far out of supporting distance from the larger part of the army, most of which is said lo have been upon the Brazos, near San Felippe, distance sixty miles. It is stated that between 500 and 600 of the Mexican troops were killed, and the residue of the advance (about the same number) taken prisoners, including the President himself, with his staff, and most of his principal officers; and that he has declared himself ready and willing instantly to acknowledge the independence of Texas. Upon this


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