dispersed officers and soldiers of the unfortunate encounter which your Excellency communicates to me in his letter of the 22d, I made the movements proper for concentrating the army, and having effected this, marched on this flank, in order that being disembarrassed of some useless and troublesome things, I could again make an opening on the enemy; but in attention lo the said communication of your Excellency, to the circumstances expressed in it, and wishing lo give a proof of my esteem for your person, as also for the prisoners of which your Excellency makes mention, I am going lo re-pass the Colorado, and will cease hostilities, should the enemy not give occasion to continue them. Generals Gaona, Urrea and Ramirez Sesma, have joined their divisions lo mine, as I have previously remarked. Your Excellency is well aware of the disposable force with which I can operate with these divisions; and in consequence will perceive that I cease hostilities in spite of my responsibility to the supreme government, only, I repeal, for the consideration due to your person, and lo the peace of the republic; but in return, I wish to know also that your Excellency, and those who have been made prisoners shall be perfectly respected, as are several of the enemy that I have in my power. Hostilities ceasing, as I say to your Excellency, property shall also be respected, only that which is very necessary for the army wiU be taken; and should their owners appear, they shall be punctually paid, as they would have been, had they not have abandoned, and many of them burnt their dwellings. Some small houses of wood have been set on fire, which has excited my indignation, and that of the generals under my orders;-this act, perpetrated by the pillagers, who re never wanting in armies, has called our attention to such a degree, that in consequence, I imposed penalty of life to whomsoever should repeat it, even before receiving the communication of your Excellency. · As your Excellency says to me that he has agreed upon an armistice with general Houston, and does not explain to me the basis of it, general Adrian Woll passes to inform himself of them, in order that they may be fulfilled on our side, and also to be able to exact their fulfilment from our opponents. With what I have slated, aU that your Excellency says to me in his letter referred to, is attended lo; and I lake great satisfaction in reiterating my
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