We forward this · by Capt. Szymanski, an officer of
experience formerly of the Polish Horse Guards · l have the honour Lo be Yours respectfully
Wm Bryan Genl Agent for Texas
[2903) [BURNET to HARRIS J
Executive Order To The Commander Of The Steamer Cayuga. Cap- tain William P. Harris: Sir: You will proceed on board the steamer Cayuga, and lake the command of her. You will immediately warf the steamer up to lhe nearest anchorage in Lhe sight eastward of the fort, and have aJI things in readiness for action. The moment the enemy make their appearance within good, sure range of your guns, you wilJ open and keep up a fire, brisk and heavy, upon Lhem. Should there be more men on board Lhan are requisite lo manage your boat and guns, you will send them on shore with orders to report to Col. Morgan. Let them be well furnished with ammunition, if to be had on board. If nol, you wilJ send them on shore as soon as practicable, that they may be furnished. Your obedient servant,
David G. Burnet.
Fort Travis, April 28, 1836
[2904) [CANNON to CASS]
Executive Office, Nashville, April 28, l 836. Sir: The enclosed is a copy of a communication which I have just received from general Edmund P. Gaines, who holds the command of Lhe western division of the United States. And I have fell it my duly to take measures forthwith, to raise and forward the brigade of volunteers he requires as speedily as possible, and feel very little doubt, that however inauspicious the season of the year may be, when our young men are generally closely engaged in their crops, as well as the horses, bul in lhc course of a few days, or two weeks al furthest, there will be assembled here, or al such point as may be designated, a respectable mounted force, if not
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