Stales authorities as an acl of Piracy. The friends of Texas are among those in power, and information was given us of the intention of the Marshall lo take the vessel and arrest the Crew; we acted instanlly sent down a supply of provisions and ordered the vessel lo Galveston; we presume she has escaped. Capt Brown is oul of the City and probably will not be able to join his vessel; the purser remains here to attend to such equipment as she may want which will be sent by the Brig Good Hope. Had even a paper Blockade been declared by the Government, this difficulty would not have happened. To save appearances as far as possible we have had it published in the papers, that all the ports of Mexico have been declared in a stale of Blockade against the admission of arms and Provisions. The people of the United Stales are with us, but it will not be tolerated by the Government that we should capture even Mexican property under the American Flag, unless they should endeavor to relurn to a Mexican port after having been ordered off. The case of the Invincible has been the cause of much anxiety to us, and il may be that the Crew has refused lo proceed to sea and the vessel is lost. We have however taken such measures as we think will insure her safely; but should she be detained the cause of Texas will receive the severest blow she has yet met, and this Agency will be involved in lToubles that it will be difficult to evade. Our situation, with nearly all the wealth of New Orleans opposed to us is one of peril and danger, but rest assured we feel ourselves equal to the Lask imposed upon us, and that we will not shrink from any duty that we are called upon to perform. The Steam Boat Ocean is now fitting out by Mr. Williams for Galveston. She is not suitable for the service should the Government be called upon to purchase her, we should say $15,000 was her full value. Mr Williams' patriotism deserves high commendation, and we understand from him it is not his intention lo sell the Boal. It is our duty however to name her character and value. She will cost here over $20,000. All demands that have become due have up to the present time, been paid. We have large demands now made upon us for the Navy, which we cannot fill until funds are provided
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