Jan. 1 1835 to Sep. 30 1835 - PTR, Vol. 1


l'apablt• of so mud1 noLlcn,·s~-Ld 11::: march ope11ly by the roacl poinkd out in the l'o11:::titution: I shall have the honour uf clirccti11ir \'OU. a11cl althotwh of vour civil virtues I have much to r.- •' t:' • learn. I will enclearnur in good faith and with due perseverance lo comply with the obligation~ imposed 011 me by lhe high position i11 which you haw placed nw. giving you upon all occassions examples of moderation and of toleration. Fellow Citizens I entreat you lo a::si~L my 1·fforls directed widely and exclusively to your good. If I outain il I shall be more Lha11 compensated, and my plt•a:mrr will have no bounds when I contemplate you free and happy. - Monclova 15th. april 1835. Aguslin Viesca J. Moriano lrala The foregoing is a hasly translalion of Lhe governors address to his fellow Citizens on taking charge of his high office: never man entered upon his charge with higher motives of gratitude and never has a State required slronger proofs of activity, zeal, firmness and talent in her firsl magislra le. The Nation generally and Coahuila and Tejas in particular is in the deepest jeopardy. Liberty has become a bye-word and lhe aristocrats now in possession of the government wish lo biol oul the very word from our vocabulary! Citizens of Tejas arouse yourselves or sleep for ever! your dearesl inleresls, your liberty, your property, nay your very existence depend upon the fickle will of your direst enemies. Your destruction is resolved upon and nothing but that firmness and energy peculiar lo true Republicans can save you-The present adminislralion in Mexico wish lo reduce Tejas lo a territory, and if this degradation should 1101 prove sufficient lo rouse you Lu take hostile steps, lhey mean to add insult upon insult, di:;grace upon disgrace, unlit you are ultimately compelled to d1:f1·nd yourselves-They expect that England, in consideration of c·xclusivr. commercial privileges, will lie induced lo assist them in c:arryi11g deslruclion in Lo your section of the Country, and that, in case of assistance from the Uni led States, Tcjas should lwcome the war-field of two rival nalions! The grc:at ohjecl of separating you from Coahuila is tu have you considered as fon:igncrs-arnl your very exislencc dep<·'.nds upo11 your n:sisling thi:-; sc·paration at this mumcnt-Supporl Lh<·: Govnmncnt of Coahuila as lnw Citizens-The rncmbc:rs which

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