Jan. 1 1835 to Sep. 30 1835 - PTR, Vol. 1

have traveled for the last six weeks, ii is fair to conclude llrnl they have b11:;i11css enough lo occupy them for the next twelve months, huw<!v1:r, I feel as certain of success as 1:vcr.- Doct. Miller will receive lhe appoi11lmc11l of Chief by this Mail-and Politico Smith will be 1wrmilcd lo go i11lo :;upremc rctirncy-God be praised for this liltle.- i\·lr. Williams recd. a letter from Col. Austin by the last mail-he is slill in Mexico and on bail- Congress has made a spirited and highly honorable representation in behalf of the Col. which was se11l in by the lasl mail, and the acting Govn. sends one by lhis.-This 1 hope will effect his discharge and that we may have the pleasure of his company home.- Augusl in Viesca arrived here yesterday evening and Lo day qualified, it is lo be hoped that he will grease the wheels of Gov and thereby accelerate its motion.- Hell to pay and no pitch.- Wars and rumours of War.- Want help from Tcjas-keep your guns in good order-however enough on this subject, for further information I refer you lo i'V1r. Jack lo whom Mr. Williams has sent all of the warlike ncws.-jusl think we have had one fight between the Militia of this town and the regular troops of Santa Rosa-no body killed and what is worse nol a gun fired nor were the contending armies al any Lime nearer each other than the short distance of three leagues-but the best of the joke, Williams, Peebles, i\1ilam, DeWill and myself were volunteers and like true patriots shouldered our guns and marched lo the Gov. House lo wail orders, when we were soon informed that we could return Lo our homes but lo keep ourselves in readiness to turn out whenever called upon-lhus ended this memorable fight.- Tell Paschal that I claim my fee as priest and lhink extremely hard of his unadvised conduct in taking lo himself a wife in my absence.- - By the way I suppose l had as well correcl a small mistake that you complain of, lo do which I do not know how 1 ean better do it than Lo tell you lhal I will say lhal it was John. Tom or anybody chw, or you may say so, and lo tell you the honf'st lrnlh about it I was lold so wh,:11 [ n~ad lhe leltt\r lo i\lr. William~ but th,:n you know ii. would have cos( me some Iii ti,· labour lo lrnw corn'.clcd it, and as I parlak,~ in lhat v<·rry much of lht• i\lcxic.111


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