5!i9. llcxar Archives. TxL-A. 560. llrO\~n. /._iP., of ~!c>nry Smith, 65-68. Portions of the lcltcr have apparr II b I fl out. fhc Bravo was the new nanw for lhe Mexican w·•rslii·p .,, 1 1 11 Y,, ccn r 5(1 I. Nacogdochrs A rchivr.s. Tx. • u " oc czuma. 562. lkxar Archives. Txll-A. 563. Copy in Burnet Papers. TxlJ-A. 56:1. So11t/1westPrn Uistorical Quar/er/y, XVIII, 266-67. 56!i. The> tltormngStar (lluuston), March 14,, J8,W. 566. Copy in W. B. Travis Fili•. TxU-1.. 567. The 1'<1xas Repu/1/ican (Brazoria), March 9, 1836. 568. Barker, Tl,e Austin Papers, Ill, 109. Bird is Capt. John Bird of Bird's Creek Indian Fight fame. 569. Bexar Archives. TxU-A. 570. Origi11al in possession of C. D. David, Houslon, Texas. 571. Johnson and Barker, 1/istory of Texas and Texan:s, I, 210. 572. Lamar Papers, I, 8J. The "forc1-toing" is #:'i71. 573. "Barker Transcripts," Archivo General de Mexico Papers. TxU-A. 57-i. Barker, 'f/1e Austin Papers, 111, 110-111. 575. Bexar Archives. TxU-A. 576. D. C. Barrell Papers. TxU-A. The Rio Medcnc is probably thr ,\Jcdina River in Bandera County. Barrell and Grillon arc D. C. Barrell and Edward Grillcn. 577. Lamar Papers, I, 81-85. The rivers mentioned, in order, arc the Nu1•crs, San Antonio. C uadalupc, Lavaca, Colorado, San Bernard, Brazos, San Jacinto, Trinily. and Sabine. 578. Naco~dochcs Archives. TxU-A. a79. Yoakum, History of Texas, I. 360. Those listed arc Francis W. Johnson. R. 1\1. Williamson, Wm. B. Travis, Samuel M. Williams. t\foscley Baker, John H. t\loorc. Josr Maria Carvajal, and Juan Zambrano. 580. Barker, Tlie Amtin Papers, III. l 11.
581. Bexar Archives. TxU-A. 582. Bexar Archives. TxU-A. 583. Bexar Archives. TxU-A. 584. Cucvas, lfistoria de la Iglesia en Mexico, V, 215-18. 585. Barker, Tlie Austin Papers, Ill, 112. 586. Barker, Tlie Austin Papers, 111, 114-115.
587. Barker, Tlie Austin Papers, Ill, 112. In a note appcndrd to this letter, dated "Prach Point 6 'th Feby 1844," Gail Borden, Jr., wrolc: "The sentiment of con:;:ratulalion expressed by the eommillcc .. . was responded by all the people of whatc\·cr party throughout the country. ... They looked upon the event as one whirh would sl'lllc all their doubts as to what should be done, and as one which would, as ii pro\·cd, unite all parties of which the committee was composed." 588. Bexar Archives. TxU-A.
589. "Barker Transcripts," Archivo General de Mexico Papers. TxU-A. 590. "Barker Transcripts," Arehivo General de Mexico l'apcrs. TxU-A. 59L. Memorial.~ of George Fisl,er, 2-1--25. 592. Bexar Archives. TxU-A. 593. Army Papers. Tx. Wcslcr'11 is Thomas G. W1•slcrn. 594. Ben C. Franklin Papers. TxU-A. Mina is now Bastrop. Texas. 595. Bexar Archives. TxU-A. 596. e'I l\fos(Juito Mexicano (Mexico), December lJ, 1835. 597. Barker, 1'/ae Austin l'apers, III, 116-19.
598. Bexar Archives. TxU-A. 599. Lamar Papers, I, 236-37. 600. Bexar Archives. TxU-A. 601. Bexar Archives. TxU-A.
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