5H. Bi-xar Archives. Txu-A. 515. Barker. TlrP Austin Papers. 111, 98.
5H1. Brxar Archivrs, TxU-A. 517. Brxar Archives, TxU-A. 518. Bexar Archives. TxU-A.
519. Quarterly of tlw Texas Stale Historical _;bsociation, II, 23, Sel! =296. 520 . .. Barker Transcripts," Archivo Gl'neral dl' Mexico Papers. TxU-A. 521. i\'acogclochcs Archives. Tx.
522. Bexar Archives. TxU-A. 523. B1·xar Archives. Tx U-A.
524. Macum Phelan, .4 Hislory of t.'arly Met/1odism in Tt>xas, 48-49, stales that this letter was first published in the New York Clrristian .-tdvocate a11cl Journal in 183a; this copy is from the Texas Christian Adl.'Ocate, April ,i, J 861.
525. Bexar Archives. Txl.!-A. 526. Brxar Archives. TxU-A.
527. 528. 529. 530. .' i3]. 532. 533. 534. 535. 536. 537. 538. 539. 540. 541. s.n. 543. 5.14_ 545. 5-16. 547. 548. 549. 550. 551. 552. 553. 551.
Nacogdoches Archives. Tx. Lamar Papers, I, 228-29. Brxar Archives. TxU-A. Lamar Papers, I, 233-35. Baker, A Texas Scrapbook, 643 .
Bexar Archivrs. TxU-A. Brxar Archives. TxU-A. Barker, The Austin Papers, Ill, 101-103.
Bexar Archives. TxU-A. Bexar Archives. TxU-A. Bexar Archives. Tx U-A. Barker, Tire Austin Papers, Ill, 104. Barker, The Austin />apers.111, 104-105. "Barker Transcripts," Archivo General de Mexico Papers. TxU-A. Barker, Tire Austin Papers, III, .105-107. Portions or the lcller, relating to a legal matter, are omille<l. Mina is now Bastrop, Texas.
Bexar Archives. TxlJ-A. Bexar Archives. TxU-A. Brown, Life of Henry Smith, 72-73.
Bexar Archives. TxU-A. Bexar Archivrs. TxU-A. Not found. Mentioned in #.>76. "Barker Transcripts," Archivo General de Mexico Papers. TxU-A.
Bexar Archh·es. Tx U-A. Bexar Archives. TxU-A. Nacogdoches Archives. Tx. Barker, The Austin Papers, Ill, l l 0. Bexar Archives. TxU-A.
QuartP.rlY of the Texas State lli.dorical Associatio11, VII, 318-20. In introducing the fetter ( (904 ), Gov. F. ll. Lubbock stales that he has placed it in the Tcxa:s State Archives, but il cannot now be found. Bexar Archives. TxU-A. Harker, 7'/ 1 e Austin l'apers, III, 107-l0~. This wai:; or:igi!ially publ_ishcd by the Columbia Commillec of Safety as a handh11l, and as such 1s Streeter, Bil,/iograp/1 y of Texa.,, ;;5:1. Ct Y. Cuml,erland /'resl,yteria11 (Nashville, Tennessee), Scplcmher 211, JB:i(1. Also in Writings of Houston, I, 298-99. Not foull(l. Cited in Barker, '/'lie Austin l'aper.i, Ill, 109.
555. 556.
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