469. Corrc.,po1ufo11cia de/ Supremo Gol,i,•r110 sabre los D<'parl'1mcntos de T<'xas. Matamoros, 111:15. TxU. Streeter, /Jiblingrapl,y of Texas, #8:10. -1-70. Bexar Archives. TxU-A. 471. Bexar Archives. TxU-A. 472. Sout/11vestern llistorical Quarterly, I.XIX, 14 748, Coffee is Holland Coffee. -1-73. Bexar Allchivcs. TxU-A. -1-74. Barker, 7'!,c Austin Papers, Ill,%-%. 475. N;1cogdoches Arehi\·cs. Tx. 476. Copy in Unpublished S. F. Austin Papers. TxU-A. 477. D. C. Barrell l'apcrs. TxU-A. 478. Barker, Tire Austin Papers, Ill, 97. 1 i79. Bexar Archives. TxU-A. 480. Not found. Cited in Brown, life of 1/cnry Smith, 62. 481. Nacogdoches Arcl11vcs. Tx. -W2. B.1rker, 1'l,e Austin Papers, III, 150-151. 483. Not found. Mentioned in #576. 48-1-. Army Papers. Tx.
485. Bexar Archives. TxU-A. 486. Bexar Archives. TxU-A. 487. Army Papers. Tx. 488. Brown, life of Henry Smith, 69-71. 489. Johnson and Barker, History of Texas a11cl Tr:o:a11s. I, 24648. 490. Nacogdoches Archives. Tx. ,i9t. Bexar Archives. TxU-A. 492. Johnson and Barker, History of Tr:o:as and Texans, I, 222-25. 493. Bexar Archives. TxU-A. 494. Bexar Archives. TxU-A. 495. Bexar Archives. TxU-A. 496. Nacogdoches Archives. Tx. 497. Johnson and Barker, History of Te:o:a.• and TP.rnns, I, 2:t6.
498. Lamar Papers, 1, 222-23. This is an unusual documrnt: the tl'xt and the first 54 names arc all in the same hand, while the last -i5 names arc indi.-idual holograph signatures. The document was printed in a broadsidr (Strrctrr, Biblio1,,,.aph_v of Tc :o:as ",;.(10) by F. C. Gray, reprinted in Barkrr, 77,,. Awtin Papers, Ill, 99-100, in which the text differs slightly. ,i99. Nacogdoches Archives. Tx. 500. Lamar l'apers, I, 223-211. The original is in very poor condition.
501. Bexar Ar<'hives. TxU-A. 502. Bexar Archive.~. TxU-A. 503. Unpublished S. ~·. Austin Paprrs. TxU-A. 504. Bexar Archives. TxU-A.
505. Da\·id C:rockell Papers, in l\faryland Mistoriral Socirly. 506. Not found. Cited in Barker, Tl1r ,lustin Papers, Ill, 97.
.' ,07. Corrrspo11dm1cia dcl Supremo C:obierno sobrt> lo.• DPpartamentos dt> Tt>xas, Matamoros, 183:i. Tx U. Streeter, /Jibliowap/1.v of 1',•x,u, 11830. TIii' accompanying document~ are ~462 and #'169. :i0ll. Bexar Archives. TxU-A. 509. Army l'apers. Tx. S1·c #492. 510. " llarkcr Transcript~," Archivo (:,•m•ral de i\lrxiro Papen<. TxU-A. 511. '·Barker Tmnscripls," Archi.-o <:,•ncral dr i\lcxico l'apt·n<. TxU-A. 512. Broadside. Txll-A. Strc,clt'r, IJibliogropliy of T,•x11s, #f,O. 513. 'J'lw Trxru U,•publica11 (llra1.0ria), Octob1·r 1 i, 111:15. T. I. Htl,k is, of 1·011~•·• Thomas J. l{usk.
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