absence of Ira Ingram, to hold the election in the town of l\latagorda, and to do whatever else, relating thereto, it would be the duty of said Ingram to pcrform, if personally present. That being advised that danger is apprehended from the slave population on the Brazos, that Committee recommends to their fellow citizens 'great caution in this particular, and the adoption of prompt measures to prevent in our section both alarm and danger. Matagorda Sep. 30th 1835 R. R. Royall, Chairman of the Committee of Safely elc for Matagorda.
Ira Ingram Secy.
Spring hil 30 Sept 1835 Dear Sir
Yours of the 27 instant came to hand on yesterday I was sory lo hear of your bad health as I am of opinion that the times requires your advice. there is no doubt of Coses being in Golead al this time with four hundred men. Padcia is in this Neibourhood (viz) at Dimels and sais that the Commander at Bexar has orders to prepar for the Reception of 1200 men from Compeachey and that there were 500 men started from Saltelio twenty three days ago. there is a bout 500 al Bexar which will be a bout twenty six hundred men strong. I am ferfull that if we do not get some assestance in a short time that our settlements will be broke up if not so Deserted I fell some what relcaved when yours of the 20 came to the setlemcnl but was shocked when Mr John Borden came and informed us that ther was no movement Lo our releaf. it is the general opinion that ther should be some thing done. therefore we wish your advice what to do. my opinion is that we have sufficient caus lo make some movements against them and if so why Delay 11nfrl some of the inhahelance ar Destroyed. as to sending men to ,ruard the fruntear ther is no use we all know that raw malitia must I".) he imployed or they get Disalisfyed and will Brake up and go home. I do think that there is danger in delaying until I.he Consultation makes arrangements for il is Rcasenal,le to suppose that cos will nol delay much time as it is hekavcd that he wants lo drive all of the Collinisls out of the Contry il is in your power lo slimelate the
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