days since. We hope lo hear from the Pass today. We request information of your movements from Lime Lo Lime, and of your plans, so far as is compatible with the general interest lo communicate them. Our place is badly armed, and our numbers arc few-too few, lo enable us lo spare many. There arc here, belonging to the public, 2 4-poun<lers, 440 Kegs cannon powder, and in the stores 20 or 30 do of rifle; all subject Lo your order-advising, al the same lime, that a suitable regard be had, in any, and every emergency, to the weak, and uncovered condition of this point. There is now, a large amount of goods here; and a large winter supply, is daily expected. In case the enemy should get information of our actual condition, an effort lo pay us a visit is not improbable.
R. R. Royall: Chairman of the committee of safely etc., Matagorda
Ira Ingram Secy.
[Addressed:J To Col. Stephen F. Austin San Felipe. (Enclosure:]
AL a meeting of the Commillee of Safely etc of this Lown, held on the morning of the 30th inst. a majority of the members being present, it was unanimously resolved, that This Committee approve the course recommended by Col. S. F. Austin, in his communication of the 21 sl inst. aclclrcssecl to the Committee of Safely etc for Columbia and published in lhe "Texas Republican,, of the 261 h inst. Thal, the volunteers of this place, and throughout the eastern section of this jurisdiction he, and they arc hereby recommended to rendezvous al James Kerrs on La Bacca as speedily as possible; for the purpose of coopcrnling with those from the eastern and north eastern section of Texas, in the common defence of our common country. That, this Commillee concur in the of those of Nacogdoches and Columbia, for electing Seven, insh·,111 of 5 delegates lo the eonsullalion; and lh1)y authorize those appointed or lo he appointed, lo hold lhc dcclion 011 lhc 5th of October, lo receive the votes of lhc volunteer:-;, al any lime pn·viou:-ly, . whenever offered Thal R.R. Royall, be, and he is lwrchy authorized in the
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