Jan. 1 1835 to Sep. 30 1835 - PTR, Vol. 1


Town of Malaµ:orda Commillce Room Sept. 30-i 83!l.

To Col. Stcplwn F. Austin,

We received last evening, a Brazoria paper, containing your letter to the Committee of Columbia, dalecl the 21st insl., and unanimously approved the course there recommended. We had, however, already dispatched lwo suitahlc persons lo Caney, and - up B. Prairie: lo raise a volunteer corpse: which we have this day recommended lo rendezvous at James Kerr's, as speedily as possible, lo cooperate in the common defence of Texas. There has been some opposition here to these movements-but at present, it amounts lo little more than want of concert, and among a very few, and we have good reason lo hope for a respectable showing when all convene. Fifteen or lwcnly days ago. the Vera Cruzanna appeared in ·the offing of Lhe passo Cavallo, ancl sent in her Lender, a small sloop, said to be commanded by the notorious Cooper-a small hoal from the taller, with 3 men, landed al the Pilot's house. One of the three, an englishman, who says he was pressed into the Mexican service by Thomson, dcsc;tecl; and came lo town. He says the V. C. Anna is loaded, as he was informed by those on board, with Cannon, small arms, ammunition, and iron hobbles; and hound for Copano; that 500 Mexican troops were expected there in a short time from Matamoras; and in the mean Lime, the cargo, when landed, was lo be guarded by 5 of the Brig's crew. We have since learned from Mr. John Linn-that, she had nol a few days ago, hcen able to effect a landing; nor dirl he think she could procure the necessary small boats lo enable her lo do so. Arrangements arc made through him, for procuring al this place, the earliest information of any, and every, important movement in that direction. Again, the v. c. anna has been recently reported off the pass, a second Lime, and a numher of our cili½cns have now gone down, to aid, (if prac:Licahlc, and necessary) in assisting a sch. to enter, whieh passed down the coast, in plain v_iew of Town, a few

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