Jan. 1 1835 to Sep. 30 1835 - PTR, Vol. 1

Tell Emily I will allend lo all my own private affairs as soon as I can- bul the great cau:;e of the country is the firsl lhirw- o

Your Brolhcr Stephen


[Francisco de Castaneda, Gonzales, Lo Domingo de Ugarlechea, Bexar, September 30, 1835, reporting Lhe refusal of the Regidor, J. D. ClemenLs, lo deliver up the cannon there, and expressing Lhe opinion that forces are being organized Lo resist any altempl lo gel i l.]


Gonzales Sept 30th 1835


Owing to the absence of the Alcalde the duty has devolved upon me of answering the communication directed to the Alcalde of this Town demanding again the cannon which is in this Town as weU as in answer to your note wishing to open negociation on the subject. In answer to the first demand made for the sci cannon The Alcalde espressed his doubts of what was strictly his duty in the matter, and wished to consult the Political chief of this Department before he decided possitivcly in the case and fanaUy-- This rigor Privcledg of consulting our chief it seems is denied us the only answer I can therefore give you is that I cannot now will not deliver to you the cannon agreeable to my notions of peopricty-- And these arc al-so the sentiments of all the members of this Ayuntamicnto who are now present. The sd cannon is now in this Town and if force it from us we must submit-- We are weak and few in numbers


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