I .
2nd il would rclard lhc movcl of the Govt and give lcxas
more Lime Lo consolidate her views and measures.
3rd to obtain the firsl viclory and strike panick on lhe Cenlral party and stimulate lhc Liberals. there is nol a day bul I am gilling information from the interior of Mexico, our counlry is filled with spys and yil you have nol give no order not Lo permit the entrance of the Mexicans. I am with my country righl- or rong my person and money 4th Lo git possession of Cenl Coses archives and
5th Suffer no more provision Lo be lransportcd lo Goliad Bejar or any other point by which the Mexican can facilitated 6. Lo he put into exiculion immediately In much haste
Yours P Dimill
[695) [McKINNEY to CRAY]
[Thomas F. McKinney, Quintana, to F. C. Cray, Brazoria, September 29, 1835, allacking William H. Wharton for changing the election date for delegates lo the Consultation.]
[696] [SAUL to COMMITI'EE]
At Capt. l\loorcs Colorado River, Sept. 29, 1835
To the Committee of Safety al San Felipe Gentlemen- The frontiers arc attacked
Three hundred Mexicans will be tonight in Conzales-The citizens in the neighborhood arc mustering as fast as lht·y can-every exertion must lw made Lo gel the people lo arms-from respectable authority now present, there arc besides the troops at Bexar with Cos.5 2000 men are on the road.- At La llahi~1 lht•
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