<:unslilulion if' necessary. On this principle the people of this and every other section of lhe country, so far as the committee is informed, arc ready Lo fly al a moment's warning Lo the defense of those people, should they be allackcd. Companies of volunteers have already marched, and more are in readiness should they be needed lo repel allack. This commilkc beg leave lo suggest that, in as much as the position taken by the country up to the present time is purely dcfcnsive, it is very important to keep this principle constantly in view, and lo avoid making attacks, unless they should be necessary as a measure of defense.
S. F. Austin, Ch'm, Etc.
[691) [AUSTIN Lo HALL]
San Felipe, Sept. 29, 1835.
Dear Sir: -
War is upon us-there is now no remedy, the answer of Cos is positive that the individuals who have been demanded must be given up, and that the people must unconditionally submit lo whatever the government chooses to do for them; he lays down the principle that lhc General Government have the right lo force us to submit Lo any reform or amendments, or alterations that congress may make in the eonstilution, &c. This is impos.5iblc-we had heller leave the country al once, for we shall be, under Cos' doctrine, without any rights or guarantees of any kind. I therefore think that war is inevitable; we must prepare. \\'hal do you think of raising a volunteer corps to protect the Consultation; and ha\'C it ready without' delay? I think it probable Cos will attack the people on Guaclaloupe in a short time; they expect aid and ought lo have it. I shall send Lo Nacogdoches immediately. Yours, S. F. Au:-Lin W. D. C. Hall, Esq. .
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