Jan. 1 1835 to Sep. 30 1835 - PTR, Vol. 1

(686) I COS lo UCA llTl•:CIJlo:A I

I Marlin Pcrfr:do de Cos, Lipm1titla11. lo Do111in~u de Ugarlcchca, B1'.xar, Scplcmlwr ~B. 1Ht1>~ giving i11~lrudions for punishment or thus,: ~11ilty of c:rimc i11 cu11111:clion with lhi: l'il!:hl against the Correo d1: Mcjico and other dislurln1111:1'.S al Hra:t:oria. f


[ Marlin Pcrfocto de Cos lo Domingo d1: Ugarlcchca, Bexar, September 20, IB35, about 1111: adivilics ur ll11: "Conchata Indians." I


!Juan J. Elguc:.rnl,al, Bexar, Lo Duminr;o d1: Ugartcclll'a, Bexar, Scplcmhcr 28, 1035, reporting the i8l'.iwmcc or orders for furnishing himself with money fur the cu11slruclio11 of quarters for Lroops. f

1689) [ LINN lo CJ\RRJ

St. Louis Scplcmbcr'2B 1835

Dear Sir

1 send you the statement promised in relation lo Col. Austin and supposing it would make it more dficic:nt have given it the weight of my position in the Scrmtc:- Wishing you and your mniahlc fumily ll<!allh mul prosperity L. S. I.inn [Addrcssc:d: I William C. C.irr, Prcscnl-

St Louis Sc·p!c111l1t'.r 20 I B:i:1 Ilcaring that the cliarackr of Col Slcphcn F Austin has lwc11

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