<·ounlry! and that such Company he subject lo the call of the <·on~liluled, or provisional authority clrnrl!cd with the defence, and ~eeurit,· of Texas. · Thal, the election of five delegates, represent this municipal- ity in general consultation of thos<~ of all Texas take place as already provided; and th.tl they convene al San Felipe, or Washington, as may be found best to harmonize the members, and accommodate the labors of the body: and forbearing Lo recommend candidates for the suffrages of their fellow citizens, your committee beg leave to propose as a lest of merit - "ls he honest" "ls he capable" ls he identified u:ith, and a friend to Texas. Thal Seth Ingram be added to the present Committee of Safely, Vigilance, election and Correspondence; saicl Commitlee being composed of, W. J. Russell, R. R. Royall, Ira Ingram, H. L. Cook, and Seth Ingram: and that said Commillee he charged with the safe keeping of the cannon and amunition at this place - that they use their efforts lo organize an artillery corps; that they correspond with other i\Junicipalities, forward expresses, where necessary, and do whatever a majority thereof may consider important lo the safety, tranquility, and security of the country. That a subscription by be opened your Committee for the purpose of defraying the expenses of transmitting information from place to place, and for such other purposes as may he necessary to enable the Committee to do its duty promptly, and effectively. Ira Ingram, Chair'n of Com. R. R. Royall, Chas. Wilson, G. l\'I. Collinsworth, Samuel Williams, Members of the Committee. Resolved, On motion of Ira Ingram, that the Commillee of Safety be instructed to forward a cop_y of the proceedings o: this meeting to the Committee of San Felipe, and one to Brazoria for publication. Wm. j. Russell, Chairman. Seth Ingram, Secretary. !\'Iatagorda, Scplcmher 26th, 183S.
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