lions,_ lo nominate the following persons lo act as the Committee - Lo w1L: Ira Ingram, R.R. Royal, Geo. i\l. Collinsworth, Sam!. Williams and Charles Wilson. The meeting Lhen adjourned until 7 o'clock in the evening: al which time the meeting met according lo adjournment: when the Commillec made reporl of the following preamble and resolutions, which were adopted unanimously. The Commillee of this meeting, lo whom was referred the circular of the Committee of Safely for the i\lunicipality of Austin, dated the 19th inst., and to whom was referred also, many other subjects of like importance, relating lo the pre~ent, and truly critical posture of the public affairs of Texas; have given lo the very interesting topics and recommendations of the circular, and lo every other matter referred, the besl consideration of which the time wllowed, and the information possessed by them, will admit. Your Committee have long regarded with the most lively and intense concern for the ultimate result, the progress of events, connected with, and threatening; nol only the prosperity, but even the moral, and political existence, of their adopted country. Anxious for an honorable and equitable rcconcilialion with the Government of Mexico: they have united with their follow citizens of other sections, in the adoption of every means lo procure it, which a magnanimous and just administration could require. Our mosl respectful memorials have been met by silence or denial: & our efforts lo procure even an explanation, have been foreclosed by reiterated threats, and the approach of a military force, to expel us from lhe country. The laws in ,~rlue of which we came lo the country, are open for the perusal of the world. They invite selllement, and guarantee the rights of the settler. These rights are however now made dependent on the will of one man. In his hand loo, are now concenlraled the sword, and the purse of the nation. These arc lo be used for our extermination. No alternative but fli!!ht or resistance, is any longer presented lo lhe North Americans in Texas. Between these we arc incapal>le of choice - and therrfore recommend for the adoption of this meclinir, the followin~ Resolutions. Thal we concur in, and approve·! the recommendations contained in the circular, and will lend our aid. lo the utmost of our ability, t.o carry them into effect. · Thal in pursuance thereof, we recomnwnd lht> immediate formation of a Volunteer Company. for the purpose of prompt co-operation with similar associations in other :-it'('lions of tlw
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