Jan. 1 1835 to Sep. 30 1835 - PTR, Vol. 1

~re lwo of lhe besl friends Texas has in Mexico. They are cducale<l honcsl and honorable men, a11<l as a rnalkr of course have many enemies. Almunle is anolher friend of Texas, and an aclivc one. I-le is prinli11g an accou11l of lhal counlry. I-le says is is favourable. I have nol seen it, nor any part of il. There is a ..fuss" al Vera Cruz-lhe garrison of lhe castle mulinied tied lheir officers, and are bombarding the cily. All lhe resl of lhc counlry b quiet. To say how long ii will remain so would he lhe same as to say when Vesuvius will or will not explode-all lhis is of 110 consequence lo Texas, if lhe people lhere will keep down parly divisions and personalilies and make good crops. l wish thal all the unquiet spirils in Texas would organize themselves into a corps and explore a good route for a wagon road to Chihuahua-in that way lhey can be useful! lo Texas-much more so, than they, or any body else are aware of al present. The Chihuahua road is a greal object for Texas, a vast link in its prosperity, and no efforts should be left untried Lo open iL as quick as possible-its influence will be known after it is opened, and nol before. I recd. a leller from not long since-the bad health of Emily afflicts me dreadfuUy-we have as ycl recd. nothing from Texas hul trouble and suffering, but I still hope that some better Limes are in store for us-as Lo my personal enemies I disregard them- I am laboring for their good, as much as for my own-honest men will say whether they repay me as l deserve, and Lo honest men I le_ave the matter, with a clear conscience. Tell Emily to keep up good spirits and laugh at all the slang of my enemies. They arc only injuring themselves. Love lo all the children-keep up i11 school and give them a good education. I hope you have not. neglected lo pu l a family on the league west of the Bernard-attend lo Lhis for it you have neglected it it may cost you very dear, also on all your other land-do not neglect this as others have done-comply rigidly with the law in every particular-as lo sellleme11L and payments. I am in tolerable health and very good spirits-tho much older in both rcsr1ecls than when I left home two years a"u. • C, Remember me lo your neighbors and tu Grayson ancl Jack and Bell and McKinney in particular. Tell McKinney that I ~hall have lo draw for a thousand dollars on Gregory on the Idler of credit that Grayson brought me. This trip will cot-I me about

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