Jan. 1 1835 to Sep. 30 1835 - PTR, Vol. 1

making lo the lerrilory of Texas, communicalcd lo the Supreme Govcrnmcnl liy the person commissioned for the colonization in that quarter, transmitting a nole from the military commandant of Nacogdochcs. The undersigned will give due account lo his excellency the President, with lhc cited notes of Mr. A. Buller, hy the first opportunity, lo whom he will communicale the n~sull. ~leanwhilc he renews lo him the assurance of his V( '.ry distinguished consideration. J. . M. Gutierrez de Eslrada


[Marlin Perfeclo de Cos, llgartechea, Bexar, .March 9, will slarl for Texas al once. J

Leona Vicario, lo Domingo de 1835, promising that reinforcements

[66] [ AUSTIN to PERRY l

Mexico March I 0, 1835 Dr. Brolher, I fully expected lo have been on my home before this. I am however still on bail and cannol leave until the amnesty law is published and when that will be is uncertain. It was sent to the President yesterday, and it is said that he will send it back lo congress lo be altered. If so it may be a month before it finally becomes a law. Inform Grayson of this-he will be surprised for when he lefl we both calculated the law would be published in a few days. This is a measure in which many thou:--ands are deeply inlerestecl and one that lhe Govt. and three fourths or more of both houses and all the influential men arc anxious should pass. and yet it has Lo travel the usual snails pace of public mailers. This example ought, of itself, to be a proof lo some of those who are so ready to blame me al home, of the delay and difficulty of effecting anything here. They know but lit tic of the~e matter:- and

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