whidt were re.ad and unanimously adopted by the meeting, as follows:- !. Resolved, that this meeting view with the dc~epcsl regret the excilcmenl which il is l,c~lieved has been precipilalely produced in these 2. Resolved, Lhat Lhis meeting earnestly desire peace and tranquility, and Llrnt il recommend lo the people, a quiel submission lo lhc conslilulion, laws and proper authorities of the country. 3. Resolved, that owing lo the alarming situation of the colonies, ii is necessary Lhat Lhe colonists organize and be prepared for defensive operations. 3. Resolved, Lhal this meeting lo commend unanimity and _concert of action, lo their fellow citizens on this highly important occasion. 5. Resolved, that the affairs of Texas has approached a point which requires a consullalion of Lhe citizens in their repr<~senlalive capacily, and lhal we therefore recommend a mccl.ing of the same in General Council. 6. Resolved, Lhal a commillec of three be elected, lo confer with the committee from Columbia and all other commillees with full power lo call a meeting of all the citizens of Texas, in their representative capacity in gcneral council, and lo adopt such other measures as they deem best calculated to promote lhe General Interest of Texas. 7. Resolved, that we concur heartily in unan11ntly of feeling and purpose with the resolutions of the meeting of the Jurisdiction of Columbia, and that we invite the Citizens of the other Jurisdictions of this department, lo concur with us in the adoption of measures lending to the same~ end. In conformity with the sixth resolution]. R. Jones, J. W. Kinney andA. Somervell were elected lo compose that committee. On motion the thanks of the meeting were given lo the chairman. On motion the meeting adjourned.
Jesse Bartldt, Chairman.
T. R. Jackson, Sec'y. San Felipedt~Austin,July 14, 1835.
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