Bexar, July 13, 1835. By a counlryrnan who has jusl arrived from San Felipe, 1 hav1~ received a communicalion from Don Anlonio Tenorio, copies of which accompany Lhis, along wilh Lhe original of Lhe acts formulated by some adventurers of that town. It shows the impetuosity which is carrying them on lo the revolution, as well as the criminal conduct which moved them lo open the papers addressed lo the military commandant of Anahuac. For that scandalous conduct I hold the Political Chief of that clcparlmenl responsible, and il is lo him that 1 address the communication whose copy _goes with this. Ry the said country man I have been informed that the soldiers, conductors of another corrcsponclence, are yet prisoners, having been deprived of their arms, horses, and equipment. We allrilrnlc all that lo the Political Chief, as you will see by the copy of the communication lha 1 directed lo him. The same man says that al the time of his starling and American arrived with arms (and he said that those of Anahuac had b1~en sold) and nothing more of importance has occured lo us. [ Domingo de Ugarlechea] [Tu Martin Perfecto de Cos I
[3731 [ UGARTECl·I EA to Cl·II EF I
Curnmanda. Principal of Cuaha. y Texas
I-la llegado a mi conocimlo. pur varios cundudus la nutida dell- en c.1w punlo violenlamle. han sidu apr(•:,;ados y vc·jades un cabo y un soldado q. 1:omlucian la 1:orn:i-po11d1·ncia ck• la comanda. General y de csla Principal para V. S. y para el l"omanda11t1· militar tit• A11al111ac, llq~ando a tanlo d Atl'nlado q. nt> :-olo ha :-idu i11lcrcq1tada dicha corrcspoml<·n1·ia :-ino q. lambic•n :-1~comelio 1•1 crimcn horrurosc de ahrir loi,; pliq.!;o:-1· imponn:-1• dt• :;u 1·unh·nido.
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