Jan. 1 1835 to Sep. 30 1835 - PTR, Vol. 1

Government ought nol lo scud Troops lo lho::w pla1;C\S where it may think prop,~r. Tcxa:; is a11 integral part of the Rq)llblic and as Troops arc sent lo garri:;011, for example lhc Stale of Chaca or Vera Cruz, lomorruw they may be necessary in Galvc\slon or any other porl and there lhcy arc cslablishcd without any n·sislancc because ii would be a thing sufficiently opprulirio11:; lo tlw 1\lrxicans for lhc new i11habitanls of Texas lo view the National Army in the same light in which lhe Egyptians view the i\larmad11kcs. their co11slanl dcpredators. You will cause lhe worthy citizen:; of your dc~parlment to understand that always while they adhere lo the Government and laws they have nothing lo fear hecause an armed forcc is not going lo any parl of lite Republic wilh any other object than that of preserving lhe peace and security of the citizens. Whatever request those inhabitants may have they can manifosl them to the Supreme Government by all means and I offer lo assist them always while they remain peaceable. As on my part I have rc?commcncled tranquility in these Eastern Slates. I cannot fail to stimulate your zeal and patriotism that you, making use of your influence and persuasion, will nol allow it to be disturbed in any manner because this Commanding General will have a positive rcsenttnt\lll if il should be oglibed to proceed against those who, refusing lo listen lo its admonitions, may disturb lhc peace which is now enjoyed throughout the Nation. Follow my advise and he persuaded of the consideration and particular regard 1 proft\SS for you.

God & Liberlv Marlin Perfecto de Cos

Matamoras July J 2th 183!1


I NAVARRO to UGARTECIIEA I I Angel Navarro, Bexar, to Domingo de Ugarlcchca, Bexar, July 12, IB:3.S, declaring that he is unable lo give any information rq;arding the number of guns lt•l't afl<'r LIH' militia ha~ been rc•organi~cd. I

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