Jan. 1 1835 to Sep. 30 1835 - PTR, Vol. 1

Siluation lo repel and evade such evil and al the same lime cultivate peace quiet harmony and concord throughout Texas generally- and also lo be placed in a silualioll lo correspond wilh the general government in a manner calculaled to cultivalc peace harmony and good feeling and lo promole as far as praclable the true Interest of Texas generally- In was Resolved that the Ayunlamienlo call an Election lo be held on day of for the purpose of elecling delegales lo meet Oil the day of al. the Lown of lo meel Lhe olher delegates of this department in public council and consull and advise with the political chief Oil the critical and disorganized Situation of our country generally and particularly to open a correspondence with the general government through the polilical chief representing lo the government the true Situalion and disposition of the people of Texas and in case of the ahsence or indisposition of the political chief or any other cause which might prevent him from concuring with the delegates-that they proceed to open said correspondence themselves all of which is most Respectfully submitted for you consideration; in the meantime pleadging lo you the assurance of our most hearty cooperation in any plan which may seem best calculated to promote the public good of the country at large

God & Liberty

Columbia July 12th 1835

A. Brigham Prest. of the Ayunlao.

W H. Sledge Secretary

[Addressed:] Circular to the Ayuntamienlos of this department

(363] [COS to NA VARRO I

I Marlin Perfecto de Cos, Matamoros, lo Angel Navarro, Bexar, July 12, 1835, declaring that he understands that adventurers, who will risk nothing, arc stirring up trouble in Texas, and slating that it is absurd lo Lhink that the Mexican government is sending troops Lo Texas for any other purpose than the good of tht~ colonies. I ,

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