Jan. 1 1835 to Sep. 30 1835 - PTR, Vol. 1

chiefs of the other departments of Texas lo Join with you in council they bringing cleputics from each Jurisdiction of their respective deparlmenls.-And we would further recommend lo your excellency to open an immediate correspondence with the officers of government representing lo them the loyally and allachmcnl of the citizens of you dcparlmenl lo the government.-And Their determination to support the laws and constitution and their great wish lo remain al peace with the mcxican nation: all of which we deem sujecls of the deepest Intere:-ls and most vital importance lo the citizens of this department and of Texas generally. All of which 1s most respectfully submited: for your deliberation. in the meantime we lake this opportunity of tendering lo your excellency the assurance of our high consideration Columbia July 11th. 1835 God and Liberty

A Brigham Prest. of the Ayuntamo.

W. H. Sledge Secretary


Department of Stale, Washington, July 11, 1835.

Sir: Herwith you will receive a copy of a lellcr lo this Department from the passengers on board Lhe schooner Martha, complaining of the seizure of that vessel al Brazoria, in Texas, and of outrages upon their persons by the authorities there. The signatures were aflixed lo a separate slip of paper, which has been mislaid. Although the statement of the writers is ex parte, and is not made under oath, yet, as it suhslanlially agrees with several other narratives of the transaction that have appeared in the public prints, and is not improbable in itself, the Department deems itself warranted in instructing you lo inquire into Lhe affair, and lo demand such reparation of the Mexican Government as the facts, when asc1~rlained, may he found to call for. You will also endeavor lo convey a strong sense of the


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