di~1ero pa. comprar armas y rnuniciones para la dcfensa cumun. Asi m1s1:i10 provacara V. una reunion en esa Municipalidad con el fin de clcg,r trcs Dclegadus q. pasaran a mi oficina en la Villa de San Felipe de Austin para cl lo dd proccimu Agosto a fin de q. rcprcsenten los senlimientus de sus cunstituycnlcs a consullcn y aconsejcn las mcdiclas mas prudcntcs y propias (fllC deben adoplarse en la prcsente alarma dcl pais - Dios y Libcrlacl-
J.B. ~liller.
San Felipe de Austin 10 de Julio de 1835- 11. Ayunlato. de Gonzales Es Copia Bejar 13 de Julio <le 1835.
[354J [VALDEZ to GEFE]
[Jose Maria Valdez, Goliad, lo Gefe, Bexar, July IO, 1835, giving information in regard lo arms of the militia.]
Mina, July 10th, 1835
D. C. Barrett, Presd. of Com. Safely Respected Sir
The Ayuntamiento having been ordered by the Political Chief to organize & enroll all the Militia throughout this municipality and to elect officers for their command to make immediate return thereof to his Excellency and Sir believing that this had been done correctly and satisfactorily by the committee of which you are the President as could possibly be done. 1 have been requested lo respectfully call on you for this plan of organization enrollment of the Militia capable of bearing arms & the respective officers el~ctcd in order that the organization numbers and Officers be returned lo and acknowledge by the Political Chief.
. I
Respectfully your oLl. servt. Saml. \Volfcnberger. Akaldc
Col. D. C. Barrett Prest. Comd. &e.
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