Jan. 1 1835 to Sep. 30 1835 - PTR, Vol. 1

interest, as well as the most solemn obligation, bound to cherish & sustain the liberal and free institutions of this Republic. _In the present confused State of things, they can devise no better mode of meeting the exigencies of the times, than by an assemblage of delegates from each Municipality, at San Felipe, or some other central place, whose duty it shall be lo act in council for the people, and in concert with the Executive power still existing in Texas, in providing for the general welfare of a misrepresented, but a determined people. To effect which object, this meeting appointed a committee of address with instructions to submit its views to the committee of safcty, for rivisal and approbation, and that the said committee should send a copy to the Ayuntamiento of each Municipality in the Department of Brazos, requesting their co-operation in the plan of sending delegates, as we have before suggested, and their Union in the common objects of safety and general defence of our constitutional rights.

Henry P. Hill Thos. J. Gazley Committee of Address

[353] [ MILLER to PUBLIC]


Gefatura del Departo. de los Brazos- La critica y peculiar situacion en la qua) se encuentra .nuestro Pais, requiere scan adoptadas algunas mcdidas prontos y decisisivas para su defensa contra la usurpacion Militar por un !ado, y las depredaciones de Yndios por otra; es de mi clever como empleado executivo <lei Dcpartarncnto de organizar la Milicia del mismo y poner el Pais en tal postura q. scan capascs sus Ciudadanos de defenderla ellos mismos, sus libcrtacles, y hogares contra qualesqa. invasion, Espero quc cse ilustre Cucrpo ordcne a todos los Hombres lil)Tes q. viven en esa Municipalidad y que scan capaccs de portar armas a alistarse inmediatamente conformc a· 1a Ley, 'y que los oficialcs que los rnanclcn los elijan ellos mismos, y concluido eslo dispondra V. que 25 Hombres bien armados y cquipados pascn a rcunirse la Villa de Bastrop para el dia lo de Agosto proximo, con el objelo de formar una Conpania contra los Yndios barharos, y tan luego como haya compli<lo con toclo lo preveniclo en csla or<lcn me dara cuenta por cxlraor<linario. Tambicn nombrara V. Ires pcrsonas respetahles de csa Municipalidad q. solicilcn de los Ciudadanos una suscripcion de

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