Department issued July Isl lhe Ayunlamcnla of the Jurisdiction ordered an election for three Delegates from this Mexican polity lo mecl !he Political chiefs al San Felipe on the Isl day of August next lo represcnl lhc feelings of their Consliluenls, and lo consult and address on the most prudent and proper measures lo he adopled in lhe present alarming slale of the Country. Which resulted in the election of S. G. Whalling and I. S. Lesler, who have been notified of their election, and arc requested at San Felipe at the lime mentioned, and for lhe purposes spoken of. AL the same time the Politica! Chief required of this Ayunlamenle to organize the Militia of lhis Municipality. In reply lo this order the Political Chief was informed of an organization under lhe direction and control of the commillee of Safely and adopted by the Ayuntamente; and was respectfully required to receive that Organization being furnished with the names of the individuals elected for their respective commands as high as . Captains His Excellency was also informed that an election for Mayor to command the Militia of this Municipality under lhal Organization was ordered. Which resulted in the election of I. C. Null whom with lhe other individual made known to his excellency I. 8. Miller, for their respective commands, Your Excellency is most respeclfully requested lo commission as soon as convenient. God & Liberty Sarni Wolfenberger President Wm. Bunton esqr His Excellency Wyly Marlin Political Chief [ca. July 7, .1835]
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