ports to prevent tlw smuggling trade, which is carried on with impunil~· by adventurers, and likewise to prevent the invasions of the Indians who, wlwn they arc nol chastised become every day more insoll'nl and frcc111cntly lpapcr torn] hostilities. Nor have we ever thought of trampling on the rights lawfully aC(Jt1ir<'d of the colonists who ought not to doubt that the Supreme Govt will allcnd lo their representations, and will at the same lime omit no means for accomplishing the grand object of the welfare of all and each one of thr. inhabitants of this interesting part of the Republic. Al the same time I can do no less than expect that you will prevent thl' enemies of order from circuleting reports forged for the purpose of compromilting the incautious: and if there by any person or persons in Iha! Dept whose unquiet and pernicious minds may be occupied in disturbing tran(Juility, you will proceed to restrain and· check them, by virutc of your authority agreeable lo the constitu- tion & laws. On this occasion I have to offer you the prolestal ion of my particular regard & consideration Cod & Liberty Bexar 7 July 1835 Signed To the politcaJ Chief of the Dept of San Felipe de Austin Domingo de Ugarlechea
[Domingo de Ugarlechea, Bexar, lo Marlin Perfecto de Cos, Matamoros, July 7, 1835, transmilling letters of Chambers, Smith, and Grillen about conditions in Texas and urging that additional troops be sent him immediately.)
Department of Brazos Jurisdiction of Mina To His Excellency Wyly Marlin Political Chief Sir. . In pursuance with an order of the pol_ilical Chief of the
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