would 1101 have hcen without troops al Anahuac.
Vcry respeclfully , Your Fri,~rul. Etc. Wm. I lardin.
We ccrtiry the ahovc lo he a true copy from the original in the hands of D011 Anlo Gil l·lcrnarnl<-:1., Anahuac, S1:pl. 2!"i, IB3!'>. Joseph Bryan Adam Smith Geo. \V. M ilcs A. Brisco1:.
[Antonio Tenorio, Harrisburg, lo Domingo de Ugarlcchca, Bexar, July 7, 1835, giving an account of the attack 011 Anahuac by the Americans. J
Principal Cornmandancy of Coahuila and Texas
Charged by the commandant Gerwral with the pres,~rvatiun in the Stale of public tranquility, ancl in fulfulmenl or Ill)' duty. I can do no less than address you as inten:sted in so important an object (upon which depends the happirwss of the inhahitanls of that department) in ord1:r thal you may make every l'fforl for dissipating the alarms occasioned !Jy false i11formalion, commtmi- cated by unquiet and revolutionary characters, who resentful al not being: able lo carry in to dfrct tlwir deprev1·d intention of dilapidating the lands of Texas, I pap1:r torn I lo make !hi' tranquil inhabitants believe that the supr,~nw Covl is l,!:Oing to s1·11d forct•:- lo despoil proprietors of the properly which tlwy han· acquin·d by a just title without any ollwr ohj,~ct 011 the part of those pt·n't'l':.-t• men that lo prosper by n11·ans of a rcvolulio11. In ord1·r. tl11-rdurt·, that you may succeed in lranquili:t.in)! the mi111ls anti in dis..-.ipali111! the false-hoods which have lwen spn~ad for lh1· purpost• of co111promilli11~ lhe Colonists, you can show tlwm this comr111111i1·a- tio11, & also manifest lo them thal they haw nolhi,w lo f1·ar from . " tlw introduction of troops, a!- this nwa:-ur1· would would lsiel hmt· no other ol,jecl lhan thal of placit11,!: tlwm a:- ddachm1·nl::-al lht·
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