Committee Tu the country nut withstanding),- in which remarks and discussions Served. Gentlemen- not of the Jurisdiction contributed much l.o the information and benefit of the meeting- after the conclusion of which the following resolutions were passed hy an unanimous voice. lsl- in motion of Mr. Mitchell il was notified that we present assist the late Sale of 400 Leagues of our Land as an act of corruption in all partys concerned and we will not Support Such men nor measures, but on the contrary aid the Government in maintaining the integrity of the constitution and laws of the Mescican Nation 2d- On motion· of Mr 1\'lason, it was resolved that we protest against those acts which tend to a resistance IO the revelu.tive laws of the Government, and Sincerely invite the Supreme executive to carry them into effect,- Suggesting al the Same time a modification of those laws, in order that the duties Shall all be collected, we believe reasonable rates acquired by Collectors understanding both languages, without favour or collu- sive arrangements would be cheerfully Submited by The Mer- chants,- but in a contrary case we pledge ourselves lo aid the Federal Government in their collection. We further Suggest, that a court with admirally Jurisdiction lo hold its Sessions in Texas would greatly facilitate the object of collecting those duties, while at the Same lime it would relieve Texas from the cmbarissmenl of tedious foreign Suits. 3d- On motion of Mr John Fisher it was resolved that we Protest against any provi.sional government or organization, con- trary to the True intent and meaning of the Constitution and laws.- tending to estrange the Jurisdiction of Texas, from that of Coahuila as established by the Constitution act unless the Federal Congress Shall Sanction. the [illegible l, & the loyalty and patriotism of the Citizens of Texas Shall challenge this benefit for as at their hands and energy all and deed, tending to interrupt the harmony and good understanding existing bet ween Texas and the Federal Government deserve the martial disapprobation and contempt of every friend of Constitutional order in the Country. 4th- On motion of E. i\ilitchcll Esqr it was resolved that we have full confidence in the favorable dispossilions of his Excellency the President & the General Congress towards Texas; \.~ we bcliev·c that when the wants of Tcxa~ are fully made Known to them, tlwy will he provided for. 5th- On the Suggestion of the Chairman, it was r«'soft,1•d that the course pursued by the Citizens of Texas (when calll'd on by
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