Jan. 1 1835 to Sep. 30 1835 - PTR, Vol. 1


I ~Iartin Perfecto de Cos, Matamoros, to Domingo de Ugurtcchea, Bc:xar, July 7, 1835, reporting arrangements for sending more troops lo Tcxas. J


I Marlin Perfecto de Cos, Matamoros, to Domingo de Ugarlcchca, Bexar. July 7, 1835, declaring that his order lo di.:arm the militia was not intended lo disarm good citizens but Ugarlechea is to expel all "foreigners" who have "no properly save a gun and no occupation save hunting."]


Al a meeting of the Citizens of the Jurisdiction of Gonzales held on The 7th July 1835 pursuant to a call of the alcalde, for The better consideration of the State of both our 'in lerior' and domestic residences, B D McClure Esqr in the chair and James H. Miller, Secretary were passed the following resolutions provides to which. Mr. Edward Gritten explained lo the meeting in a defense and clear manner the condition of things with the General Government in relation lo Texas, what measures were on hand in the General Congress for the benefit of this Country when the slate Congress of the Stale brought us into collision wit.h the Federal Constitution and laws, what Course was adopted by them in consequence and its progress- what were the prohahle views of the General Government al this Lime on the Subject of Texas, and undid which earnestly reccomending lo the City in question obed ience & Submission to the authority of the Nation. Very <liliberate discussion was· had of the resolutions we have and Should presurve with the Mcscican Republic, and_ many cneructic remarks w<'.re made in respect to the late corrnpltons al Mon~lova an<l the efforts Lo cover the hcdlong relrcil of the SJJ<!c1tl11ti11g JJflrly in a Provisional Govc:rnmcnt, (The Central


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