interested in this important ohjecl, of which depends the happiness of all the inhabitants. I lrusl that you will exert yourself lo cairn the alarm caused by false reports spread by reckless and rehdlious men, who regrclling lo have hecn prevented from carrying out their perverse plan of squandering of the lerrilory of Texas, contrive, now, lo create among the peaceable inlrnhilanls a belief that the Supreme Government intends lo send forces lo Texas, for spoiling them of the lands they have acquired under just lilies. The object of these perverse men is obviously lo cause a revolution. In order to quiet the minds, and lo disclose the falsehoods with which it was atlempted lo compromise the Colonists, Your Lordship may acquaint them with this communication and must cause them lo understand that they have nothing lo fear from Lhe introduction of troops. If such a measure is resorted lo, it is merely for the purpose of the coming delachmenls for preventing the smuggling trade thal has been cnrried on by some adventurers, an<l al the snrne time, lo put an end to Indian depredutions long since left unpunished, and growing bolder every day. The inlcnlion has never heen entertained lo interfere wilh the lawful rights of the Colonists, who ought lo know Lhat the Supreme Government is disposed lo do justice lo their claims, and will spare no means for complying with the noble task of securing the happiness of each and every one of the inhabitants of this interesting portion of the Republic. I trust that your Lordship will prevent the enemies of public quiet from spreading false reports whereby to compromise the Colonists. There are some men of that class in your Department; their unruly and preverse minds are plollin~ disturbances, and it is necessary that your Lordship shoulcl exercise all your legal and constitutional authority to repress and crush them. . ] avail myself of this occnsion to I.ender lo Your Lordship the assurance of my jJarticular esteem and consideration. God and Liberty, - Bexnr, July 7th, IB35. r i\larlin Perfeclo de Cos I
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