qm· eslo no s11ct·da! \It~ pers11ado que d hucn scnlido de la lrncna y mayor parlt' de Texas ludo lo compondria- Espcro f)IIC muy pronto llegara la rt'sput'sla de U. que ag11ardo, pues no picnso cktencrnw a q. U. me acuse n•cibo de la prcscnlc, porque si neccssario furn·, el Correo podra salir a alca11zarme por cl camino de San Felipe, para donde salg:o Ian luego como reciba la rcspuesla mcncionada.-
Eduardo Gritten.
Es Copia. Bejar l l de Julio de 1835.
[3391 [TRAVIS to·······)
San Felipe, July 6, 1835.
My Dear-------:
I have this moment received your letter of the 24th ult. Its contents I approve, and will do all I can to effect whatever may be for the general good of Texas. J have just returned from Anahuac. Mr. Smith will give you the particulars of the expedition which resulted so successfully. Let us be firr~ and united in defending.Texas to the last extremity within our own limits. In offensive war we can do nothing, in defensive everything. I will write you again•• i\'lr. Smith is on his horse to start, and J have Lime to say no more.
Commend me to our friends. Ever yours,
W. Barret Travis.
The Military Commander of Coahuila & Texas,-to the Political Chief of the Department of Brazos. Having been entrusted by the Commanding General with the preservation of good order in this Stale, I believe it lo he my duty to direel myself lo Your Lordship who cannot but feel
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