The whole or this par! of Lhc slate has and will supporl Lhe Ccnlral Government. The Interior from lhc lasl information we have, has fallen inlo Ilic Central syslcm, Sanlanna is Diclalor-Lhc Constitution is Lhrown away and ridiculed hy those who used Lo call themselves Federal Republicans. The plan for Lhc dissolution and destruction is laid, and every preparation is making for its execution. In the last ten days Lwo hundred troops have lcfl Lhis quarter for San Antonio; and from the best information 1 can collccl Lwo thousand more will be on Lheir march in a fcw wc(:k~. Their inlenlion is Lo gain the friendship of the different tribes of luclians; and, if possible to get the slaves to revolt. These plans of barbarity and injustice will make a wilderness of Texas, and beggars of ils inhabilanls, if Lhey do nol unite and acl with prompiluclc and decision. If the Federal system is losl in Texas, whal will be our situation? worse Lhan Lhal of the most degraded slaves. The hopes of Lhe Republican parly here arc aU on Texas. I lrusl they will nol be deceived. The people of Texas will never submil lo a Dicta Lor. B. R. Milam [To Francis \V. Johnson I
I Martin Perfecto de Cos, Matamoros, lo i\'lanud Lafuente, Laredo, July 6, 1835, ordering him to send his detachment lo Bexar.]
[0li\lITT Lo RUSKJ
[Philip Dimill Lo Thomas J. Rusk, July 6, 1836, stating Lhat he has "not a single horse Lo join the army with," :slating that prompt measures arc needed lo rt•storc public co11fid(•11ce in Texas, and rc\commencling formation of a coalition wilh llw northwcslern i\foxican slat.cs if Texas W(~n : not annexed by the linitcd Stall's.)
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