[James Kerr, Gonzales, to Thomas J. ChamLcrs, Bexar, July 5, 1835, accusing Williams, Johnson, Carvajal, and Bowie of ~Lirring up t•xcitenwnt in hopes of bringing on a war so their land titles will be made valid.)
[3331 [MILAM to JOHNSON}
Punto Lampasos, July 5, 1835.
Dear Johnson,
I hope you spent Lhe 4Lh July pleasantly wilh your friends , who feel some reverence for Lhe day. As Lo myself, I can not say 1 enjoyed iL. I gol a bollle of vino muscalc and drank Lo Lo the Federal Constitution in all parts of America. I had no countrymen lo join me or perhaps I should have done heller. We left Monclova on the 29 of May, and were taken prisoners on the 5th of June, at night, after we had encamped about eight leagues northwest of San Fernando. The troops had been viewing our march for the last day, and knew the only chance we had for waler and placed themselves in a situation lo lake possession of our horses as soon as· il was dusk. In this situation we were obliged lo surrender to twenty five men - or savages as we may more properly call them. Capt Galan and Liut: Rodcri guiz [Rodriguez) commanded the party. They will be long remembered by your humble servant. We were taken to San Fernando and kept in close confinement for one week-not permitted lo write or speak to any person except in the presence of an officer, and then bul in the Spanish language. From there we were taken lo Rio Grande, where we were treated something heller by Capt Barigan from Rio Grande to Lhis place. Al present we arc under the charge of Col: Altapa, who is a gentleman and an officer, and gives every indulgence we ask for. From here we expcel Lo he sent lo Monterey to stand our trial, and I hope to he set al liberty. But all is uncertainly.
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