13301 [COS Lo PUBLIC I
The Brigadier General Marlin Pcrfeclo de Cos, Commanding General and Inspector of the Eastern lnlernal Stales. ln the name of the President of the Republic: I make it known lo all and every one of the inhahilanls of the three departments of Texas, that whenever, under any pretext whatsoever, or through a badly conceived zeal in favor of lite individuals who have acted as authorities in the slate, and have heen deposed by the resolution of lhe Sovereign General Congress, any should attempt lo disturb the public order and peace, that the inevitable consequences of the war will bear upon them and their properly, inasmuch as they do not wish to improve the advantages afforded them by their silualion, which places them beyond the uncertainties that have agitated the people of the centre of the Republic. If the Mexican Government has cheerfully lavished upon the new settlers all its worthiness of regard, it will likewise know how lo repress with strong arm all those who, forgelling their duties lo the nation which has adopted them as her children, are pushing forward with a desire to live al their own option without any subjection to the laws. Wishing, therefore, lo avoid the confusion which would result from the excitement of some bad citizens, I make the present declaration, with the resolution of sustaining it. ~latamoros, July 5, 1835. Marlin Perfecto de Cos
Gonzal(~S y Julio 5. dt' I H35.-
Scnor Coronel D. Domingo de llgarlechca.-Bcxar.-
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