Jan. 1 1835 to Sep. 30 1835 - PTR, Vol. 1

Inhabitants of the Frontier-your situation will cleplornhlc: instigated and protected by the Mexicans, the lndi•ans will he your constant enemies; they will be the continued ravagers of your country and destroyers of yourselves. If you drive them from your neighborhood, lhey will seek refuge and protection under the lroups of San Antonio, and will retire only lo return with renewed violence and destruction. You will hear around your habitations Lhe Indian ydl, mingling with the l\foxican cry, and the shrieking of your murdered wives, rousing the slumbers of the cradle, from the midst of your burning buildings. will fell you, when loo late, of the error lo your policy in permitting San Antonio lo be garrisoned by Mexican troops. Fellow Citizens, depend upon it your policy is wrong and the danger great. If you would save the country and protect the frontier, San Antonio must he taken: already has Anahuac faUen, already has the spies of the country been arrested and the correspondence examined-already have you proceeded loo far to retreat- already are the troops of the Dictator on the march against you, and you have lo fight, surrender or run away. There will be no necessity for your garrisoning San Antonio, once drive off the military, and the inhabitants of that department will protect and defend the place. The [ illegible l are a force sufficiently effective for that frnrposc, but permit the reinforcements lo arrive there, and the citizens will be disarmed and you will lose the co-operation and assistance of thal whole department. Fellow Citizens-by laking St. Antonio you will also secure the person of Don Ramon Musquiz the Vice Governor, who by the constitution is now your Governor, he has expressed his willingness to acl provided the Colonists will sustain him, but he dares not altempl il so·long as St. Antonio is in possession of the enemy. Whal can you or will you do, unless you bring him into the colonies and re-establish the Government. At this time vour .; Courts of Justice are closed, you have no head to dirrct you, and you are in a slate or Anarchy and confusion, you can only re11wdy this by procuring the Vice Governor and re-cstahfo,hing thr Govemment.-Unless you do Lhis in less than one month every thing will he in disorder and you will ha~10 security for your persons and property, except the strength of·your arms. Three fourths of the people of Texas are new comers and have as yet received no Lilies tQ their lands, the last le!!islaturt· passed a


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