with the remains of the Old Spaniards. Their policy and their interests and the accomplishment of their most ardent wishes are founded in the dcstrnction of the Federal System. On this depends their existence as a party, the firm estaLlishment of their power and their continuance as privileged classes in opposition to the fundamental principles of a liberal system founded on equality of rights; already has that party in Congress, through their committee, declared "That the constitution requires a radical reform that the only article which remain inviolable is the one which declares for intolerance of religious feeling and established privilege cla~ses in a Stale, which, founds its principles on the imfolable and noble basis or equality" and after making the declaration, that the constitution should be altered on the same Congress declares that "It has the right of altering the Constitution al its pleasure without pursuing the formalities required by that instrument'' and in continuance of the plan of operations General Santa Ana is invested with the powers of a dictator and at this 1 moment has all the absolute power of a despot, and only now :requires a diadem on his brow to obliterate the name of Liberty from the Mexican Code- To all these invasions of the sovereignly of the Stales the people would in all probability have submitted had not the aristocracy made the last final blow al their liberties and lighted the flame of civil war; the civic l\lilitia had al all times previously proven the sure and safe bulwork of the liberties of the People and the allempt of Guerrero and Ilustamente, to destroy the ,1constitution had been manfully and successfully resisted by them. I Against this body the congress struck a deadly blow and passed a law disbanding them, and permitting only one gun to be retained in the hand of every five hundred men in the country, and requiring the stales Lo surrender all the surplus arms lo the general government. To this decree, many of the States submitted, but others resisted it, knowing that lo deliver up their arms, was lo deliver themselves over lo an aristocracy, whose object was plainly Monarchy,- among the Stales resisting were Zacalecas, Durango, Chihuahua, Chiapas, and Coahuila and Texas. The Legislature of Coahuila and Texas, in addressing the General Government in rcganl lo the change of Government and creation of a Dictator says:-"For these reasons the Stale of Coahuila & Texas
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