the muntual confidence, as will as simular respect, between them and their fellow citizens of the Mexican republic, inasmuch as the misconduct of a fild designing men, is attributed lo the whole community, and construed inlo clisaffcclion lo the General Government. They are by no means of opinion while making their own feelings their slandard, that the people of Texas, Generally, cherish a hostile disposition lo Mexicans, or lo the Mexican Government, when adminislred on its conslilulional principals, they arc voluntary citizens of the same republic: have sworn lo support the same constitution, and are by inclination and intrest, as well as the most colemn obligations, bound lo cherrish and sustain the liberal and free institutions of this republic,-In the present confused stale of things, they can devise no heller mood of meeting the exigencies of the time, than by an assemblage of delegates from each municipality, al San Felipe, or some other central place, whose duty it shall be to acl in coucil fer the people, and in concert with the Executive power, still existing in Texas, in providing for the General wellfare of a mispresented, but a determined people,-To effect which objects, this meeting appointed a committee of address with instructions to submit its views to the committee of Safety for revisal and approbation, and that the said committee should send a copy to the Squaintain of each municipality in teh Department of Ilarsos, requesting their co operation in the plan of sending delegates, as we have before suggested, and their union in the common object of safety, and general defence of our constitutional rights.
Henry P. Hill Th. J. Gazley Committee of address
Mina July 5th 1835
At a meeting of the commillee of safety, of this date, the following were among the resolutions aclopted,-The processing address having been submitted, it was,-Resolved, that the same receives the approbation of this commillec, & be circulated according to the resolution of the people. At the same meeting, was presented the proceedings of a publk meeting held in the Jurisdiction of Columbia, & upon rt'ading & deliberating on the same, this committee-Resolved. That the committee approve of the Columbia resolutions, and of the
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