Jan. 1 1835 to Sep. 30 1835 - PTR, Vol. 1

quc no sc paguen los Oros. a la Heda. Ni csta en sus Ynlcrcscs cslo, pcro como han yegado cstos a cnlcnder quc tcnemos algun Micdo, nos Aglomcran sus Chimo Grafias por lo quc rrucgo a V.S. nos tenga presentes para Remcdiarnos en algo si cslos alcntan contra nosotros. Reytero a V.S. las scguridadcs demi consideraction y distinguido apresio. Dios y Liverlad Ada. Maritima de Galveston Recdtc. en Anahuac Junio 25. de 1835. Anto. Gil Hernandez. Sor. Gral. delos Estados Ynternos de Ori,~nte. Ciudo. Martin Pcrfecto de Cos.

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[J. H. Money to Ayuntamienlo, Nacogdoches, June 25, 1835, calling for organization of the militia acros.s the slate.]



June 25, 1835. On the 11th of the present month the Collector of the Maritime Custom House asked me officially for the help of four soliders and a corporal. As the sense of the document was not very clear, I went to see him in person, and he told me by word of mouth that he wished them to remain in his office as a guard in order to prevent an attack that he feared from the merchant Don A. Briscoe, who was lo call for the purpose of paying the duties, which he owed. Seeing that the force that he asked was sufficient in spite of his already having an orderly, he got four men; but the office did not receive any insult. On the night of the 12th the same Mr. Briscoe look froin his house a box, and went to the sea shore to embark ii; but the collector and guards also went Lo the sea shore, and when tht·v tried to arrest Briscoe and two other Americans they resislt'cl willi


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