Jan. 1 1835 to Sep. 30 1835 - PTR, Vol. 1



[~lanuel Sab.iricgo, Goliad, to Domingo de Ugartechea, Bexar, June 23, 1835, reporting that he is sending a tnnall number of troops to Bexar and GuadaJupe. J



Columbia 24 June 1835

Mr J F Perry

An attempt has been made here to day to involve us in an immediate Revolution, by sending troops forthwith in obedience lo a call by the chief of Police lo fight the federal force a rport and resolution were produced Cut and dried in Caucus last night, Compromiting us at once- I moved as an amendment- That the further consideration of the subject matter before the meeting should be postponed until the great body of the people of this Municipality could be convened lo express their sentiments as lo the expediency of a measure involving the Security of the rights and property and the safet-y and lives of the families of the people this was not admitted by the agitators as an amendment, when it was determined lo put the Report and Resolutions lo Vole first and then take the Vote upon my motion, on division 2/3 were against their report- They then without taking a vole upon my motion, so modified their resolu lions as to effccl the same purpose which being agreed to They appointed a comrnitLee lo draft a report and resolution to he proposed lo the meeting on Sunday-Archer Wharton Jack and Henry Smith. It was proposed lo add me and R. Williams I declined to aid in forcstaling the sentiments of the people. Thinking the meeting on Sunday ought to be left free to appoint their own committee and the people will reject their report on that ground if it be put to them You and Pleasant McNecl must be here all the McNccls Grey, Crosby-, every one who can give a vole, for the cast is lo be


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