Jan. 1 1835 to Sep. 30 1835 - PTR, Vol. 1

(2431 l UGARTECl-1£A to MORAL I

[Domingo de Ugarlcch~a, Bexar, lo Augustin de Mural, Canyon de Medina, June 3, 1835, ordering his detachment back lo Rexar.]



Harrisburg, Texas, June 4th, 1 f 8135 We Citizens of Texas feeling that we have been imposed upon by certain men purporlinl,! lo be officials of the government and stationed al Anahuac, inasmuch as they have stationed themselves al the above mentioned town, and r pretend ? a? I strict execution of the l\lexican customs laws lo Llw i11j11ry of many innocent [individuals proceeding in ? ] many instances in violation of tht! law lhaving Lo do'? J wilh bringing

contraband by paying a lo the collector, and Lo Lhe gO\em- only crime 0 lhem at

that of a pasl of the passc11 crime, and submit to a trial al the next porl, 011 any charges preferred against them and all Lhis without any information having been given Lo Lhe civil authorities either of the municipality or of the Deparlmc11L, that any such f1111ctiu11ary had bet'n appointed, therefore We have come lo th<" cool dl'l<"rt11i11ation lo submit lo no more imposition of Lhe kind that will prove ruinous lo Lhe eounlry, by deslroyi11g Lhc commerce and slopping the emigration Without such impositions resolved that the most apparent method is lo dischar:rc and semi the funclionary stationed there: and bdieving lhal twenty lllt'n would h~ s11fficie11t l.o effect ii wr herel,v s11bs~~ribe our 11a11it·s and pledge ourselves Lhat · t·an Lie ai-semblt·<l wt' will


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