Jan. 1 1835 to Sep. 30 1835 - PTR, Vol. 1

ncccsidad q. hay, de q con Liem po se sirva cl al-to Govicrno recabar de las a11g11slas Camaras el permiso suficienlc, para q por lrcs, cualro o mas anos, puedan introducirsc en el rcpdido Tcjas, Vivcres de los Estados Unidos <lei Norlc. Sirvase V. E. dar a csLc asunto la prcferecnia q. por si ccsiuc, y admitir las prolcslas de mi eonsidcracion y rcspclo. " Dias y Libcrlad, Boca clel Rio bravo, Juniu 3. de 1835. Marlin Perfecto de Cos E. S. Ministro de la Guerra y Mariha..Mcjico.

[2401 [KERR lo BORDEN I

Lavaca 3rd June l835

Mr Gail Borden Jur Dear Sir. I have seen a prospectus for a paper "Telegraph" -dear sr you will please pul my name lo it as a subscribcr to be senl by mail and on Receipt of first copy-I will send you S5.00. I have requeslcd Major Southerland lo give you SS.00-as you requested fore repair of compass-etc. I aml my family arc in common hea[ I] th, Mary is and has been al School for some lime-and has no lillle praise from hir teacher and Schoolmalcs- I hclicve She Learns-prety well-She-sends hir Respects lo you and Mrs. Bordin- Mr. B. Durbin goes lo sanfclcpe lo pay the fees-on a quarter League No.3-above Srnithes on Navidad- 1-have directed him lo you for informalition, and Lo pay the whole amount of lhe Stale fees-lo you if you will recicve lhcm-. from the deed I make out thal Lhe first paymenL will not be clue Lill 6th December Next-but l want Mr. Durbin lo pay all the slate fees-now. please write me all the rwws-say what you know aboui- AusLi11, Williams, etc. elc. And what is going 011 in lhe Interior. We have news here that Colo Auslin is al Lil,l'rty, and will probably be in Monclova on lhc 20th this Mo.-Thal Genl. SanLarw has Laken Zacatecas. 700-K.illd. and he look 2700 prisoncrs-Lhcn turned on his heel and wc11l toward to the SouLh-lo puL down Genl. Alharcs and Libcrley in lhal S1·clio11. We undcrsLancl thal Genl. Cos-has scnl a copy of a proclamalion lo all the AyunLemenlos in lexas-i11 which hl' says ''lhen· is

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