Jan. 1 1835 to Sep. 30 1835 - PTR, Vol. 1

t'tHft'arnrs are made to carry out the contcmpla_tcd revolution, then I shall make use of arms. to conquer the a11dac1ly of those deluded men. The troops of the Supreme Government who obey my or_clers never can forget their sworn allegience, and are ah~ays clct~~rmmecl to support our National honor. They shall, as this occasions, do their clulv. f shall not lose sirrhl of the frontier settlements, which arc t, more cleservina of my consideration then their local authorities; in t, • case that I should be compelled lo remove some troops from the bell of Prcsidios, I shall leave them a sufficient protect ion against the sarnge tribes. Inhabitants of the Eastern Stales: Such are the events that havr recently called your attention. This plain statement of facts \\ill give you a just idea of the State of affairs in Coahuila, which although apparently conform lo the plans of Zacatecas, envolves still other objects. You are warned, now, to reject the offer of the dissatisfied; look down with contempt on those who may attempt to seduce you with pictures of an ideal happiness, and depend always on the particular esteem of your fellow citizen and friencl,- J\lalamores, May 12th, 1835. Martin Ferfeelo de Cos.



[~lartin Perfecto de Cos, Matamoros, to Domingo de Ugartechea, Bexar, May 12, 1835, declaring that the actions of the stale authorities in Monclova may force the central government to inter\'enc in Texas before the settlement of the trouble in Zacatccas.]

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[------ to EDITOR]

San Felippe 13th May 1835


(To the Editor of the New Orleans Ike:]

. Santa Anna has been declared dictator, and w,11 no doubt


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