[821] [McCOMB to SMITH)
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Head Quaters, Gonzales October 11th 1835
To Capt. Benjamin F. Smith and John Alley Sirs
As the army will cross the Guadaloupe tomorrow al 9 Oclock and take up the line of march for Bexar immediately thereafter; you will please march the troops under your command with all possible dispatch, by the best and shortest route which your position will permit to join the army on its march. You will please communicate this order to Capt. Collinsworth of the Matagorda Volunteers who is supposed from recent information to be in your quater, to form a junction with the army also. You will also please send an express to inform the commander in chief when and where your detachment will probably join the Army.- David B Macomb By order Asst Ajt and Inspr. Genl
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Quintana 11 Octo. 1835
Mr. Gray . · DR SIR The Sehr. Lady Madison Capt. Robert D Moore was toed in this morning she has 7 Guns and ammunition on board which we ordered by a request of the Committee of this Jurisdiction She also has on board 75 muskets and the necessary cartouch boxes the ballance of the muskets ordered will be here on the San Felipe which is hourly expected and perhaps is now off the Bar a vessel is in sight but a considerable distance off the San Felipe was to leave two days after Moore The Lady Madison is too small to entitle debenture goods to a draw back is the reason that the muskets did not all come on her, those that have come are american manufacture. We have received letters that are to be relied on that all we want for the country is ready at short notice. Vessels men and means if vessels are placed on a fotting that they will be protected are at the disposal of Texas Anxiety indeed seems to prevail to embark You may if you choose publish the facts herein contained but connect them yourself and do not publish this
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