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Benjamin R. l\lilam, (whom we found encamped on the East bank of the San Antonio) P. Dimmel and Dr. Erwin lo demand from the civil authorities a surrender of the Town. About 11 Dr. Erwin reported, and informed us that we had lo [torn]. We then proceeded along the bank of the River, till we came between this hnd the quartet. The plan of attack was here communicated and Lhe force disposed of accordingly. The plan was executed with utmost success. All conducted well. It would be extraordinary indeed of among 50 odd men, nearly all untried, there should not be some difference of conduct .in a first engagement. The attack was made by storm, and in 30 minutes the quartet was ours. Capt. Collinsworth merits the highest praise- the other officers merit also, the confidence of every man. The fruit of this enterprize are 21 prisoners-4 officers, 1 Colonel Commandant, 1 Captain,'2 Lieutenants, and 19 privates; a considerable quantity of arms- two Brass field pieces,- 150 or 200 stand of muskets, and a small quantity of ammunition, how much, we do not exactly know, enough however, lo defend this place with, against the force of Cos & Ugartechea. We arc informed that there are several hundred horses in the public cavyard both below and above on the river; but as yet, or till 12 to day, our force has been loo small to detach a sufficient number of men lo reconnoitre and bring them in. Between 12 & 1 o'clock, Alley & B. Smith, arrived with 111 men- and since I commenced this page, Capt. WesJQYer... from the mission on the Nuices arrived with 15 men, so that we now have 180 in all. Smith and Alley informs us that there was 300 at Gonzales when they left- and they say the force is no doubt augmented there by this time lo 400- we are now in readiness for active, and combined operations. Twenty days will be apt to close the military career of Cos in Texas To return lo the action of the 9th here- the enemy report- 3 killed, 7 wounded- we have one wounded- but badly- he will, however, probably recover. He is wounded in the shoulder.- His name is M'Cullough from the La Vaca. The Col. Commandant, Captain and 1st Lieutenant were despatched yesterday; under a strong guard, to San Felipe; the other Officer and Lieut. is among the wounded. The other persons are not yet disposed of. It is but justifiable lo notice particularly, for reasons well understood, the part taken and acted in the capture of these works, by M. P. Dimmit. During the action, no man could have behaved
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