Oct 1 1835 to Nov 26 1835 - PTR, Vol. 2


Guadalupe Victor. Octr 11th 1835

To Colo Gr.iyson and the Councel or War, Gonzales

With much Interest I lake the Liberty lo Sugesl the properly of pulling the three Genl. Conducted lo your Quarters by Colo Milam upon their parol or Honor as soon as may be. . With sentiments of Esteem and reguard Your Ohl Sert. James Kerr T have been confidently assured that the Lieut. Col. Francisco S.andoval is as much of a Gentleman as any Mexican officer known, & I have no doubt that all of them will religiously comply with the pardon of Honour. Therefore T concur in the above & would recommend the measure. Yours obt. Jno. J. Linn (819] [INGRAM to COMM1T1'EE]

I I I I : ~

Goliad, October 11, 1835, 3 P . .M.

To the Committee of Safety, &c., of Matagorda. Gentlemen-

Under date of 11 A.M. yesterday, l had the pleasure of informing you of the Capture or this place liy Storm, al the hour of 12, the preceding night. Having some reasons, however, to question the delivery of my letter into the proper hands, I avail myselr of another and more direct conveyance, Lo advise you more fully, and more in detail than I could have done yesterday, of the more important particulars of this cheering event. \Ve mustered at Capt. Hatche's on the evening of the 6th inst., and elected G. M. Collinsworth Captain, J. \V. ~loore Isl, and D. C. Collingsworth 2nd Lieutcnanl. On the 7th we proceeded lo Guardeloupe Victoria, were cordially received, and there rested till the 9th. We: were fifty two slron~, al L2 we~ had cffel'le<I a crossing of the Guardcloupc, and taken up the line of man·h for this plaec. We rcaclwd the crossing of the San Antonio riwr, one mile lwlow the Town, about IO al ni~hl sent a deputation, 1·0111posl'd of Juan Antonio Padilla, (who had joirwd u:,; a littlc thi:-; side· the La Vaea)

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