de Goliad. y se dirigian a Yndividuos de Sn. Patricia pr. los Sublcvados de Tcjas.= Estoy entendido de su Contenido de ambas. y a mas de quc no bivo dcscuidado solo espero la venida del Tte. D. Juan ~lanl. Maldonado pa. mandar a algunos de Sn. Patricio en calidad de presos. segun he acordado hoy con el Alcalde de dha Villa en una cntrc vista que tubimos, pues cl no heberlo hecho del momenlo lo ha impcdido el que Lal vez no halla un levanlamto. en aquella Villa pr. los pocos malos quc hay, y que pa. ejacutarlo seria ncccsidad dejar lrcs o cuatro hombres en el rcducto que he formado pa. dcfensa, y de estes tengo prcsisamente qc. desn'rnmbar la fuerza pa. cmplear la de correos." Y tcngo el honor de trasladar a V.E. pa. el Supr. conocimiento def E.S. Prcsidtc. a quicn se servira imponer del conlcnido de dhas Cartas que Originales acompano y lo dha por mi en contestacion al cxprcsado Comte. y demuestra el no 3. Acepte VE. la~ protestas reiterados que le prescnto de mi particular aprcsio y respcto. Dios y Libertad Bejar Octubre 21. de 1835. Mtin. Perfto. de Cos Exmo. Sr. ~Iinistro de la Guerra y Marina .Mejico. (817) [GRAYSON to AUSTIN] Camp at Gonzales, October 11, 1835. Quarters of the Council of War-General S. F. Austin-Sir: I am instructed to inform you that an order was on this day issued by this council calling on the captains of each company to hold an election for a commander-in-chief of the volunteer forces of Texas now assembled at this point That election was accordingly held at 4 o'clock P.M. of the present day, and that by the returns to this hoard of the election held in the different companies made by the captains thereof, it appears that you have been chosen without opposition commander-in-chief of the volunteer army of Texas now in the field. The members of this board take this occasion lo congratulate you on the high office to which you have been called. Relying in common with all their fellow•c.ilizcns upon the skill and courage with which you will endeavor lo conduct the campaign to the desired result, I am with the highest respect your friend and fellow-citizen, P. W. Grayson President of the Council. True copy. William P. Smith, Secretary.
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