unnecessary lo appeal lo lhe palriolism of ,Lhe. army. But Lhc Commander in chief deems it his duty to-remind each cilizen soldier that palriotism and firmness will avail hul lillle, without discipline and strict obedience to orders. The first duly of a soldier is obedience. lt is expected Lhat the army of Lhe people altho hastily collected will present an example of obedience thal will do honor Lo Lhe cause we are engaged in, and credit to the patriots who are defenrling it.
General order.
Head Quarters, Gonsales October 11th 1835
Order No 2.
Jn order to secure the interest of individuals as far as practicable, Pleasant B. McNeil, Randal Jones, Dr. Asa Hoxey, and Ezekiel Williams are hereby appointed appraisers of each man's horse and equipments and all other property employed in the public service during the present campaign. They will make returns of their appraisements to the Adjutant and Inspector Genl as soon as practicable.
· Signed
S. F. Austin Com in Chief
By Order, David B. Macomb Asst Adjt and lnsp Genl.
Guadalupe 11, de Octe. de 1835
Exmo. Sr. .
El Comandte. Militr. de Lipantitlan con fha 15. clcl
actual me dice lo siguiente.
"Las Cartas cscritas en Yngles qe. marcaclo con cl no. lp. 2p. y Originates Acompano a V.S. las he manclado traducir en Castillano y sus copias he remitido al Sr. Comte. pral de este Estado en union de los Concluctores Juan Williams y Juan Tivl. quc fucron tomados pr la partida cortaclora que lengo diariamelc. en cl Camino
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